March 13, 2018
Report available at:

Contact: Rocky Moretti 202.262.0714 (cell)
Carolyn Bonifas Kelly 703.801.9212 (cell) 
TRIP office 202.466.6706

Eds. TRIP’s report identifies states with highest number and share of older drivers, states with highest fatality and crash rates involving older drivers, strategies to help aging motorists remain mobile, and recommended transportation improvements.

Washington, DC – While the number of older Americans continues to grow at a significant rate, the number of older drivers involved or killed in fatal traffic crashes is growing even faster, finds a new report from TRIP.  With older Americans leading more mobile and active lifestyles than previous generations, it is critical that the nation adopt traffic safety improvements that will make our roads and highways safer not only for older drivers, but for all drivers.

The report, “Preserving the Mobility and Safety of Older Americans,” was released today by TRIP, a national non-profit transportation research group based in Washington, D.C. According to the report, in 2016, 25 percent of fatalities in Kansas involved at least one driver 65 or older (3rd highest in the U.S.).

The TRIP report details states in the top 20 in the number of traffic fatalities involving drivers 65 or older, the increase in fatalities involving drivers 65 or over from 2012 to 2016, the number and proportion of licensed drivers 65 and older, increases in licensed drivers 65 and older from 2012 to 2016, the increase in fatalities involving at least one driver 65 and older from 2012 to 2016, and the number of drivers 65 and older killed in crashes. Data for all 50 states can be found in the report’s appendix.


  State Number of Fatalities Involving 65+ Driver State Percentage of Fatalities Involving 65+ Driver State Number of Licensed Drivers 65+ State Percentage of Licensed Drivers 65+
1. Florida 682 Wisconsin 26% California 3,999,876 West Virginia 25%
2. Texas 568 Minnesota 25% Florida 3,341,250 Arkansas 23%
3. California 554 Kansas 25% Texas 2,544,333 Florida 23%
4. Georgia 299 Nebraska 24% New York 2,442,349 Maine 23%
5. North Carolina 285 Rhode Island 24% Pennsylvania 1,911,928 Vermont 22%
6. Pennsylvania 267 Maine 23% Ohio 1,616,214 Oregon 22%
7. Ohio 250 Oregon 23% Illinois 1,507,439 Delaware 21%
8. Tennessee 233 Pennsylvania 22% Michigan 1,432,987 Pennsylvania 21%
9. Illinois 232 Tennessee 22% North Carolina 1,376,260 Alabama 21%
10. Michigan 231 West Virginia 22% Georgia 1,186,660 South Dakota 21%
11. New York 222 Ohio 22% New Jersey 1,153,534 Montana 21%
12. Missouri 206 New Jersey 22% Virginia 1,087,440 Minnesota 21%
13. Arizona 179 Missouri 22% Tennessee 1,035,885 South Carolina 20%
14. Kentucky 178 Michigan 22% Washington 970,075 New York 20%
15. Alabama 161 New York 22% Massachusetts 921,308 Ohio 20%
16. Indiana 161 Iowa 22% Arizona 899,807 Michigan 20%
17. South Carolina 160 Florida 21% Indiana 848,297 Oklahoma 20%
18. Wisconsin 159 Illinois 21% Alabama 837,360 Rhode Island 20%
19. Virginia 151 Kentucky 21% Missouri 830,871 Hawaii 20%
20. Mississippi 141 Arkansas 21% Wisconsin 817,848 Mississippi 20%

According to the TRIP report, an estimated 46 million Americans are 65 or older, accounting for 15 percent of the total population. By 2060, the number of Americans 65 and older will more than double and their proportion of the total population will reach 24 percent. In the last decade, the number of licensed drivers 65 and older increased 38 percent and the proportion of licensed drivers 65 and older rose from 15 percent to 19 percent.

Older Americans are more mobile and active than ever and want to maintain that lifestyle for as long as possible. Among those 65 and older, 90 percent of travel takes place in a private vehicle and 79 percent live in car-dependent suburban and rural communities. The quality of life of older Americans is closely tied to their level of mobility.

“As transportation agencies work to reduce fatalities and serious injuries among older drivers, we are able to implement safety improvements that assist all road users,” said Rudy Malfabon, director of the Nevada Department of Transportation and chair of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Committee on Highway Traffic Safety. “Wider lane striping, larger sign lettering, and more prominent milepost signage are just a few of the strategies that benefit older road users as well as all motorists and first responders. These efforts help us move toward our vision of zero traffic fatalities.”

Older drivers face a number of challenges on the road. Their higher instance of fatalities is partly attributable to physical fragility that makes surviving a crash less likely than for younger drivers. While they tend to be more cautious and avoid risks on the road, older drivers may face physical challenges that make driving more difficult, including diminished eyesight, reaction time, cognitive ability and muscle dexterity.

“We want all Kansas drivers to feel and be safe on Kansas roads and bridges,” said Tara Mays, executive director of Economic Lifelines. “Changing demographics must be a part of broader transportation planning initiatives for the future of transportation and connectivity in Kansas.”

Older Americans who cease or limit their driving still have options available for maintaining their mobility, though some may come with challenges and drawbacks. Transit systems can benefit older Americans, though robust transit options may not be available in the rural areas where many live, and transit use requires being able to get from home to the pick-up location and from the drop-off to the final destination. Ride sharing services can also help close the mobility gap for older Americans. But, less than one-third of Americans over 65 own a smartphone, which is a prerequisite for using many ridesharing services. Advancements in self-driving and connected vehicle technology may eventually allow older Americans to retain the convenience of private vehicle travel after they are no longer able to drive.  However, the timeline for the widespread use of self-driving and connected vehicles is uncertain, and their adoption by older drivers may be slower than that of the general population.

“Freedom of mobility is a cherished, lifelong right.  We owe it to the generation that built our nation’s highway system to further enhance the safety and convenience of our transportation system to meet the mobility needs of older Americans,” said Greg Cohen, president and CEO of the American Highway Users Alliance, an organization that advocates on behalf of motorists, truckers, and other drivers.  “Making roads safer and supporting the development of emerging transportation options and technology will enhance the mobility of older Americans and the general population.”

The TRIP report offers a set of recommendations to improve the mobility and safety of older Americans. Many of these recommendations are designed to reduce the consequences of driving errors, making roads safer for all Americans. TRIP’s recommendations include the following. An expanded list can be found in the report.
• SAFER ROADS: clearer, brighter and simpler signage with large lettering; brighter street markings, particularly at intersections; widening or adding left-turn lanes and extending the length of merge or exit lanes; adding roundabouts where appropriate; adding rumble strips; and system planning and design to accommodate technology needs of connected and self-driving vehicles.
• SAFER ROAD USERS: promoting education and training programs for older drivers.
• SAFER VEHICLES: implementing self-driving and connected vehicle technology as well as vehicle safety features that address aging-related deficits, improving vehicles to help withstand and avoid crashes.
• IMPROVED CHOICES: ensuring public transit routes, vehicles, facilities and stops are easily accessible and accommodating to older or disabled passengers; and expanding non-traditional approaches tailored to the needs of older adults.

“The rapidly growing ranks of older Americans will far outpace previous generations with their level of mobility and activity. Serving their mobility needs will require a transportation system that includes safer roads, safer vehicles, safer drivers and improved choices,” said Will Wilkins, executive director of TRIP. “Additional federal, state and local transportation funds can help not only older drivers, but all drivers.”